Saturday, April 4, 2009

So as we met and saddled up for the Saturday morning ride.....the one thing that everyone agreed on....this weather has got to go.....go far away!
A nice turnout for the ride this week, we are growing! 18 hearty and well dressed fellas showed up ready to get after we go.
The group stuck together for the first part of the ride, up to "death row," named for two reasons; first is the fact that we take a left at the cemetery, and second......the mile or so stretch has the tendency to shatter the group for a few miles after.....many a rider has been blow up on this stretch! If you don't catch the wheel in front of you......good luck to you my friend!
A little further up the road the group split into two, a longer and a shorter......nice to have that option so everyone gets the desired workout. Of course no matter the route you chose, you were guaranteed a nice headwind in almost every direction.....that great Wisco weather.
I know that personally after a hard day in the wind on Friday and then a pretty intense ride by the group today......I was feeling the love by the time we rolled back into town! I hope everyone had a good ride and is cool with the split, good to see the numbers increase for the Saturday ride.....can we see 20-25 next week?!?!?!
Get ready for the snow, nothing planned for Sunday....have a good rest of the weekend.


T mon T said...

hey fellas. would you mind a fat bald guy coming down from sturgeon bay sitting on the back-o-one of yer sat rides ??

from when/where/whence/what time do you roll ?? thanx !!


Hauser said...

Sorry for the late response....come on down, or you already did! I'll give you a call in the morning.