Saturday, January 30, 2010

Ride time.....where were you all?

With temps riding the 10 above mark, the ice looking smooth and fast, four of us decided to get the bikes outside and see where the fitness is at......for the record.....mine was not found! We hit Duck Creek first, believe it or not the ice was too cold and hard? No bite out of the tires and even with studs it was extremely slippery......damn.
After the ice was deemed....."too slippery?"........we hit some local trails and found them to be packed and fast, VERY rideable! The four of us had a blast riding the trails and it was great to get on the mountain bikes off-road!

The return trip we decided to make it an ATB day......all types of terrain! We covered, ice, snow, dirt, pavement, mud.....pretty much everything we could find we rode. Best part of the day was just simply being outside and on the bike, good times....too bad only 4 of were lucky enough to enjoy it! But hey....we had a blast!


Gike said...

On real ice, you have to take some air out of tires. I used to run abut 15 psi on the bay and the duck. You all had studded tires, I presume....

Hauser said...

Yep....and I was already down way too low....wierd feeling that we could not get much bite out of the tires? Good to hear from you, hope all is well down south.