Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Drum roll please......the new jersey!

So after Noah and I have put about 6+ hours in with another 3 to go(?), I am able to give you the new look.....the first Titletown Flyers jersey! As you can see on the monitor....a very cool process and I have to say that Noah is flat out freakin' talented......we would try this and that and then go back and forth.......somethings we ended up stumbling on by accident others totally what we were looking for......we are both really happy with the design!

So there it is.....what do you all think? Obviously there will be more logos placed on the jersey, notice the silhouetted Flyers logos on the main body area....a little green but not too much.....I really like the look.
The shorts are close to being done but we ran out of time tonight, so stay tuned and I promise they will look good! I would love to hear your thoughts on the jersey, drop me an email if you would.....even if to just say how much you love the new look :)
Time for the trainer?


Unknown said...

Looks real sharp.

Andy said...

I am digging the new look - Very modern and stylish.

SCOTT A said...

Were gonna look like professionals!!

mdcmoto said...

looks really good!

Steve Davidson said...

I heard about your cycling team from a friend of a friend. How can I obtain more info on your team? I have done a handful of races the past few yeas (fat tire 40, ore 2 shore, one WORS, Stump Farm 12), but plan to do most of the WORS this year a few other select races. Let me know.